Jumat, 28 Juli 2017

10.13 - No comments

Bicara Sendiri

Akhir-akhir ini aku sering berbicara sendiri.
Berbicara pada bintang,
Berbicara pada binatang,
Berbicara pada bintang-bintang,
Berbicara pada binatang-binatang,
Berbicara pada bintang-binatang,
Berbicara pada binatang-bintang,
Berbicara pada bintang-binatang-bintang,
Berbicara pada binatang-bintang-bintang,
Ah aku sudah seperti orang gila.
Aku bosan bicara pada mereka yang tidak mendengarkan.

Minggu, 09 Juli 2017

20.08 - No comments


A.    Introduction
According to John Keats, poetry is an attempt to read the beautiful or sublime without the burden of imagining the logical or narrative thought process. He does not imply that poetry is illogical or lacks narration. Ideas are arranged through beautiful words (Lodge, 1998:2). It's mean that literature is an expression of the soul. In the literature will always appear the psychological perspective of poets’ side. According to Endraswara (2013), the important thing of psychological is to consider pivotal matters, whether a writer can articulate his idea critically as an inner expression, or just emotionally.
Emotional literature is certainly not born through a mature psychological process. Emotional literature tends to be spontaneous about mental upheaval. The task of literary psychology criticism is to capture literature as the reflection of the soul. The human soul moves continuously, following the rhythm of the times. Literature is a reflection of the experience of the soul, which actually underlies the presence of many psychological criticisms. The separation of literary value as a mirror of the soul is the most discussed in literary criticism.
Before analyzing the Sufism poetry, here will explain about the definition of Sufism. Sufism or tasawuf  (التصوف ) which often defined as “Islamic mysticism”, “the inward dimension of Islam” or “the phenomenon of mysticism within Islam” is a mystical trend in Islam. Sufism has a characteristic such as values, ritual practices, doctrines, and intuitions. The units of them began early in Islamic history and which represents the main manifestation and the most important and central crystallization of mystical practice in Islam.
Based on the explanation above, the writer will analyze the Sufism poetry by Candra Malik entitled “Kau Sanggup Mengerti” using psychology approach. Tasawuf and psychology is affect each other.

B.     Discussion
Candra Malik is one of the figures of humanism. It has been seen from his biography, Candra Malik was born in Islamic tradition which consists of Sufism rituals. He also became a journalist in Java Pos network newspaper in Jakarta. His background as a journalist and tasawuf science can be supporting his literature. He prefers to make literary works of Sufi nuances. The Candra Malik’s poem which entitled “Kau Sanggup Mengerti” is a poem that describes a love to his God and the desire to meet. His love for God will make him feel close and always want to do anything that the God commanded to be a goodness. The poet wants to say about perfect love from unperfect human.
 Bukan tubuh ternyata yang kau lihat,
 melainkan seutuh cinta yang hakikat.
Kurasakan Seluruh jiwa ragamu mendekat.
Kau hadirkan sepenuh rasa yang dahsyat
"Mu" here refers to God. The poet says that  "Mu" (God) has come close to the essence of love that not only looks but also to be enthralling. According to Sigmund Freud, the soul’s life has three levels of consciousness (conscious, preconscious, and unconscious). Nature conscious is what you realize at a certain moment, direct sensing, memory, perception, thoughts, fantasies, feeling you have. Closed related to this conscious mind is what Freud called nature conscious. That is what we are
Call it now with "memories already available" (Available memory),
is an anything which can easily be called to the conscious,
memories that you do not even remember thinking, but can
easily called again. The biggest part is unconscious nature
unconscious mind ). This section covers everything Which we do not realize but it encourages our words, feelings, and actions. Even though we are aware of our real behavior, we are often unaware of the process
Mentally that is behind the behavior.
In short, “Cinta yang hakikat” its mean that the poet wants to say about his feeling, his the experience about the essence of love in the heart to the God. 
Terimakasih, sekujur semesta kamajaya.
kaulah kekasih yang jujur menerima.
Welas asih bertutur mengolah makna,
segala sedih kauhibur dan kutertawa.
Tak selalu perlu mata untuk melihat.
Tak selalu perlu telinga untuk mendengar.
Tak selalu perlu tangan untuk memegang.
Tak selalu perlu kaki untuk melangkah.
Bagiku kau t'lah menjelma penglihatan.
Bagiku kau t'lah menjelma pendengaran.
Bagiku kau t'lah menjelma genggaman.
Bagiku kau t'lah menjelma perjalanan.
Candra Malik says that this poem is made to commemorate diseases of disability. This poem illustrates that there is not need for a perfect body to serve the most perfect, the essence of love is in the heart, so their God in their heart too. This is a piece of the Candra Malik’s poem.
Mata hatiku, matahari bagi segala penjuru,
kau jauh tak berjarak, dekat tak tersentuh.
Katahatiku, matahari bagi jiwa dan ragaku,
hadir sebagai takdir, gaib pun kau tak raib.
Kau hidup di sini, di dalam sanubari,
sanggup mengerti, menenteramkan hati.
Ketika semua menjauh, kau mendekat.
Bagiku kau peneduh, kaulah penyelamat.
Kaulah cinta yang dewasa,
menerimaku selayaknya manusia.
Ya, kaulah semesta kamajaya,
menerimaku laksana dewangga.
Kamajaya” its mean God of love. In this part he wants to tell that God is the real love, God is love itself. The psychology of the poet when he writes this poem is longing to his God. He explains about the human who has nothing (example: a defect of the body) still has a love, a heart, a feeling to be able near with God. According to Freud the human-driven more by unconscious aspects. The division is known as the structure of human personality and still consists of three elements, namely id, ego, and superego (conscious, preconscious, and unconscious).
Candra Malik as a Sufi can be said that he understands the meaning of his poetry which inspires his life is intended for God. It's mean that tasawuf can be proofed through the psychology approach. So, tasawuf is related to the science of psychology that discuss the feeling, a soul, aesthetic, attitude, and the theory of Freud about consciousness.
C.    Conclusion
1.      The conclusion is actually human has a soul to feel the intuition. The readers can open their mind to the purpose of the poet through psychological approach. We will know about the feeling of the poet. Like a theory of Freud, a human has a three consciousness (conscious, preconscious, and unconscious).
2.      The poet in this poetry can explain his feeling to be near with the God. In this poem is more explain about intuition.
3.      Furthermore, the tasawuf (Sufism) has a relation with the psychology science because both of them discuss the feeling, a soul, aesthetic, attitude, and another thing that related with the theory of Freud about consciousness.
D.    References
Endraswara, Suwardi. 2013. Teori Kritik Sastra. Yogyakarta: Buku Seru.
Lodge, David (Ed.) 1988. Modern Criticism and Theory. London and New York: Longman.

Minggu, 19 Maret 2017

10.07 - No comments

The Differences between Islamic Education and Language Learning to Building Children's Characteristic

           For years, the people who concerned with education still talks about the character building. Furthermore, every element of people is made complicated. Survey results showed that 63% of the 33 provinces teens free sex. Data from the control center of social disruption in Jakarta also show that students involved in the brawl from elementary, junior high school around 0.08%, or about 1,318 students from a total of 1,647,835 students in Jakarta. Even, 26 students died cause of the brawl. John Wooden in his book Wooden on Leadership said, “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” It’s mean that to be a good person must have a good behaviour. The character will be important things which have to apply in human life.
            Character building to children can be reached in two ways, Islamic education and language learning. According to Kammarudin SA (2012: n.d) in his Journal of Education and Learning, “character education is identical to the character, so the character of the values of universal human behaviour that covers all human activities, both in order to relate with God, with himself, with others, as well as with the environment, which manifests itself in the mind, attitudes, feelings, words, and actions based on religious norms, laws, manners, culture, and customs,” He also said, “Character building of students in each educational environment means the efforts made by the institution in the context of the formation of the character of students. The term is synonymous with coaching is the formation or development. Associated with educational institutions, now more encouraged the formation of the school culture. One of the chosen school cultures is a culture of noble character. From this came the term the formation of moral values in the school culture.” In short, character building is built from many ways. It just not about children self but it is also about the things around of them. Environments, cultures, and the basic moral order is related each other.
            Islamic education is concern about relations between human being and God. Communication a human being and God are built by Islamic laws. The Islamic laws According to Dr. Ahmad Marimba, “Islamic education is physical and spiritual guidance based on religious laws (islamic) to build the characteristic of moslem itself. The characteristic must be appropriate to religious laws (Islamic).” ( Uhbiyati: 12). Moreover, Ahmad Tafsir ( 2012: 6) said that character was equality with moral. Thus, character building is about moral education. In Islamic education can be similarity with politeness and decency. In addition, Warson ( 1997: 364) in his dictionary is connection the word of “moral” and “ethic” in English culture which come from Greek, “mores” and “ethicos”. It means that Islamic education needed to build the children’s characteristic.
            In addition, Islamic education still dominant in Indonesian culture that most of the inhabitant is moslem. In fact, Indonesian’s people still elevate the Eastern culture. It can be seen from their daily behaviour. For example, they are respect to the other, care, not individualism, etc. Islamic education started from internal factor. Actually, family and environments be importance factor which effected to children’s character. However, Islamic education can be reached through the habits which embedded. It is appropriate with the Stone’s statement (1997: 2), “Children learn a repertoire of behaviours that when repeated become habits, which in turn facilitate the formation of good character." In Islamic education, children are taught to be a good person who has some character. For example, people must be obediently to the parent, respectful to other, be kind person, be honest person, be a fair person, stay away from indecency, etc. In short, Islamic education related to build the characteristics of the children through the religious (Islamic) laws because there is any language of behavior to be closer to God through worship without forgetting attitude toward the people around them.
            On the other hand, the characteristic of children can build through language learning. Language is important things to communicate human desire and respect another person. Definition of language that according to oxford dictionary, “The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way”. The respond of other people can be reached through the language. There are two kind of language, verbal and non-verbal. According to Larry A. Samovar (2000: n.d), “Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.” The definition means that language reflects the cultural orientation. It can show about how the language is work as a process. The definition of verbal language based on oxford dictionary, “Relating to or in the form of words.” It shows that verbal language is related to a word.
            In fact, language is related to the cultures. The characteristic of Language learners has to be adapted to other person’s characteristic in the different culture. Furthermore, Dr. Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi (2012: n.d) based on Edward Sapir (1956: n.d) says that culture is a system of behaviors and modes that depend on unconsciousness. On the other hand, Goodenough (1996: n.d) also claims that culture was a systematic association of people that have a certain way of life. Therefore, the culture was the only distinction between human and animals. The differences between human being and animal are the characteristic and the mind. Furthermore, the children are taught to conscious about what are they do. It shows that language teaches the person to be a human being who conscious about what they do. Indeed, Consciousness is embedded from the beginning to build children's personalities. Consciousness itself will become a habit or culture that is done subconsciously.

            In conclusion, Islamic education and language learning are related to build the children’s characteristic. Both of them are a way to build the children’s characteristic. However, they are different. In Islamic education, the children must have a good characteristic that appropriate to religion laws (islamic). Whereas, language learning can increase the children’s characteristic through the language cultures itself. It means that children must have a good behaviour according to the language cultures which learned. The key word both of them is how to a human being (children) can understand about their self and another person based on what they learned. Especially, they can learn in two ways, Islamic education and language learning.(Tika)

10.03 - No comments

Contoh Essay (My contributor for Indonesia)

                My name is Tika Lutfia Ningsih. I was born on July, 2nd 1996. I spent my childhood in Semarang. I have a dream to be English teacher since I was Junior High School. Give thanks to God, I have studied at State Institute of Islamic Studies Salatiga in English Education.
            I joined some organizations on campus, like a Student Pers organization and religious proselytizing organization. Student Pers organization has been an organization engaged in the authorship field. I was involved in many projects, such as creating of magazines, news, articles, literature, journal, opinions, bulletin, and other matters relating to authorship. The other activities are such as, discussion, seminars, team work and others. In this organization, I learned about how to write a better and I try to be active in writing. On the other hand, I learned about how to manage Islamic activities in religious proselytizing organization. This organization has been concern with syiar management. I have been developing my knowledge of Islam. Joining the organizations on campus made a challenging to try important things in my life. For example, in the religious proselytizing organization have been held teaching activity in the school around Salatiga city. Then, each member is placed in some schools to teach voluntarily. The advantages have been improving my skill to teach the children in junior high school or senior high school. In short, I got a lot of experience from the on campus.
            I decided to be an English teacher because I have been concerned with English education in Indonesia. There are many issues about English education that made me worry about the next generations. I think, I have to improve the English education in Indonesia. Moreover, English education in Indonesia seemed stiff. I think, this problem because of the culture. In addition, the Indonesia culture has been dominant with eastern culture which familiar with the shame that would hinder language learners. Therefore, I am going to improve the English language education in Indonesia. Many problems of English education make me more challenged in global competition. I hope the new generation can use English as a necessary language. In 2050, the new generation is expected to keep abreast of the times without forgetting the value of morality and the nation identity of Indonesia.

            Besides, if I accept this scholarship, I will use it to explore sciences. Furthermore, I will share my knowledge to other people when I had be back later. I have a dream to establish a non-formal institution or reading house for children who cannot afford. There will be any activities which related to language and authorship. I will support children who have potential in terms of language, especially English. Then, Indonesia has the quality of human resources who be able to compete internationally.